Thursday, March 22, 2012

Faith like a child

Kaleb: Hey, I have an idea! Lets go to Incredible Pizza to celebrate dad's getting better from his cancer!

Me: But, he isn't better, Kaleb.

Kaleb: Yeah, but he is gonna be, God is gonna make him!  

Gosh, why can't I have faith like him? Is this why God commands us to have faith like a child?

Mark 10:14-16  He said to the disciples, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” 16 And he took the children in his arms and blessed them.

I've just "survived" the chaos of another hectic day at work. Totally spent, I slump down on my bed, my mind clamped in the vice-grip of pressing deadlines, stressed relationships, and homework due dates. Right now, life is anything but simple...

As I slip toward unconsciousness, I suddenly hear the brush of tiny socks comming into my bedroom, then I feel my mattress sink softly under delicate weight. Slightly annoyed, I summon the strength to pry open my eyelids and tilt my head sideways. My new visitor sits, legs crossed, excited and ready to tell my everything about his day.

The pressures lift. The vice loosens its jagged grip. Kaleb's and Karsen's eyes absorb my anxiety, as if calmly putting everything back in its rightful place. Their simplicity is contagious.

Children see things differently than we do. Simple. Peaceful. Always joyful. And while I spend all my time, energy, and resources on balancing life's stresses, keeping sane, and fighting to maintain good grades, Jesus is gently calling me back to the heart of a child.

This post is dedicated to my little men. I love them to death and can't wait to see them grow up into awesome guys. :)